This year, my birthday is the day I go soldiering, perhaps it is
the lucky thing. In these days before serving in the army, I have
done many things, such as:
Study GRE(This is the most important thing.)、make own
personal website、Research Robotics(I spent a lot of money to
buy the parts that it comes from Japan.)、 read some nice books
in different fields、Travel around Taiwan in a week、 learn more
software and web technology、swim and take yoga.
喜歡新的環境, 應該說喜歡去適應不同的環境、不同的人事物,
可能只是單純的新鮮感吧XD 至於當兵出來後,利用到美國讀書前
的這段時間我打算去日本待個3個月到半年, 因為日本實在太多我
這篇的主題是當兵前,怎麼說到當兵後了呢? 就先這樣吧!